Update:Please see the new app ZeoCompanion which is a great replacement for this app
It appears that many people have an issue where they cannot export data, or the app crashes when exporting.
This does not occur for me, and my understanding is that there may be an array overflow that occurs when a certain number of sleep data points have been saved.
I'm no longer using my Zeo, as I really don't have any sleep issues, and wasn't able to extract raw wave information from the Zeo, my interest has reduced.
I have been very busy with work, so have not investigated, but, if anyone wants to email a raw sleep DB to
[email protected] I will do my best to investigate.
On a more positive note, Steve from GRC has mentioned that a new app is in the pipeline, with dramatically increased functionality. This is one of the reasons I have not investigated the issue, as I do not want to needlessly waste time, when the release of a new app is imminent.
Cheers, and apologies for any inconvenience or distress caused. Nic
/end update
Make sure Zeo Sleep Manager is installed on Android device and has accumulated sleep data.CSV format compatible with 'Zeo Data Viewer', found at: http://www.alienrat.net/software/zeomonitor.html
Credit (components of this application were sourced under MIT and Apache 2.0 Licenses):https://github.com/smklancher/ZeoSleepMonitorhttps://github.com/zeoeng/zeo-android-api